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About Me


I was born in 1980 to a graphic designer father and a pattern maker mother. During high school in Tokyo, I was exposed to the Shibuya-kei culture of the '90s, a mix of various influences, and later, I discovered the works of Andy Warhol, which led me to immerse myself in the history of art. My paintings utilize a stencil technique. My experience working in graphic design when I couldn't make a living from art has greatly influenced my work. The precision required to create stencil data aligns perfectly with the techniques of graphic design. The process of creating artwork by layering with an airbrush takes time and gradually takes shape. Now, I've finally reached a point where I can express my theories within the fine art world.

Why I started my crowdfunding campaign


For the past three and a half years, I've been painting every single day, and I believe I've completed over 300 pieces. I kept painting relentlessly, but around May of last year, I decided to take a step back and reflect on my work, so I began compiling photos and texts. As I continued, the content grew to over 200 pages. This led me to launch this crowdfunding project with the intention of self-publishing it, both as a way to thank those who have supported me and to introduce my work to new audiences.

Artist Vision


I began creating artwork around the end of 2020 with the theme of "Selfie." I view the self-images posted on Instagram and TikTok not just as physical representations but as self-portraits that encompass elements of desire and illusion. I believe that the role of an artist is to present the values and aesthetics of our time and to pose questions about them. My role is to absorb what is happening in the world, draw inspiration from it, and act as a medium to express it through my art. The concept of a "selfie" can be seen as a kind of universal self-portrait that transcends borders. This has been the central theme of my work.


この本は日本語、英語、中国語に対応しています。現代は本当に国境がなく、どんな国の人でも、どんな文化でも同じようにストーリーを体験し、感動し、笑ったり泣いたりできる世界になっていると思います。 今、世界には様々な政治的問題があるかもしれませんが、文化においてはボーダーレスな世界観が生まれていると思います。この本が日本やアジアだけでなく、ヨーロッパやアメリカ、全世界の人に読んでもらえることを願っています。

I’ve spent about a year and a half working on this book, gradually updating it, and I believe it has become something I’m truly satisfied with. I would be delighted if you could take an interest in it and pick up a copy. This book is available in Japanese, English, and Chinese. We live in an age where borders are increasingly irrelevant, and people from any country or culture can experience stories, be moved, laugh, and cry in the same way. Although there are various political issues in the world today, I believe that a borderless worldview is emerging in the realm of culture. I hope this book can reach readers not only in Japan and Asia but also in Europe, America, and all around the world.
An artist's role, I believe, is to present the values and aesthetics of our time and to question them. My work is about capturing what is happening in the world right now, drawing inspiration from it, and acting as a medium to express it through art. I will continue to paint for the rest of my life, and I would be grateful for your support in commemorating this book.
Thank you for reading to the end, and I look forward to your continued support!

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